Dressing Appropriately: Dressing Individualistically

There are very few "rules" I follow when it comes to dressing, mainly because if you follow just this one rule you will always be in good social graces. Like many things in life, my rule is simple and complicated all at the same time. The rule is to always dress to the situation you are or will be in that day.

You may be reading this thinking i'm now a hypocrite, being that my first ever blog was about my oh so attention getting spring outfit. The outfit, while attention getting, was perfectly appropriate to the situations I was in that day. Being appropriate does not mean giving up your individual style. The key to being appropriate is take into account any and all social norms, the weather, where you are, who is around you and your age; then pick pieces from your wardrobe that match up exactly with the above.

If you are attending a funeral, social norms tell us not to arrive in bright happy colors. Generally you would wear black or some black pants or skirt with a navy, burgundy, plum or olive top. You are there to mourn the loss of life while in a way celebrating that person's life and accomplishments. Depending on the time of year and location in the world, the weather will vary. Keep in mind where you are. Many churches is frowned upon to be bare shouldered so if it's warm outside consider a cardigan. Most of the people around you will probably be older in age, so anything too risque would be completely inappropriate. Finally think about yourself. I am 19, it would be ridiculous if I showed up to a funeral in a floor length black dress.

In this situation, I would wear a pair of mid-height black heels, a black pencil skirt that hit the knee, belted, a tucked in blue blouse with a simply strand of pearls at the neck. This outfit is business casual, church appropriate and shows my age and individualism with the fitted-ness of the pencil skirt and height of the heels while keeping in step with all social norms of funerals.

In everyday life these guidelines will continue to keep you in check. The best thing though is that you can truly make any outfit fit your individual style with the addition of a few accessories, which rarely ever go against social norms or offend people.

While it is very much not my taste at all to have studs incorporated into my ensembles, to many people identifying themselves as "punk" it is a necessary thing. You can easily find shoes, belts, purses and jewelry which would incorporate these elements into an otherwise average outfit to make it your own. Clothing is for many, the ultimate form of self-expression. This does not mean though that you need to walk around in head-to-toe western garb to prove to anyone that you feel you are a cowboy. You can totally wear your boots with a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt or button down and still have your personal style known. Leave the Stetson at home, partner.

Don't be afraid to rock your look. Just use my little tip to keep yourself from going over the deep-end and try not to shove your style in the faces of others.

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