Why Yes, I Can Walk In These

For some odd reason people seem to be under the sad and misguided impression that all shoes with heels are painfully uncomfortable and insanely tricky to walk in. This I truly do not understand.

I was in fifth grade when I was invited over my cousin's fiance, Melissa's bachelorette pad to watch "Miss Congeniality" when I first stumbled upon a closet full of stilettos. I do believe that it was in that instance that I became infatuated with the beauty that is shoes. That night, Melissa took a pair of pale pink pointed toe stilettos down from the shelf and asked if I would like to take them for a spin. It was the beginning of a beautiful love affair.

Since that time I have amassed a small, yet sizable collection of shoes, ranging from sweet ballet flats to party platform pumps. All of these shoes are worn and most are admired by others. Still, when traipsing across campus I am always asked how it is that I can be walking in "those shoes". My simple answer is always a question. How can you not?

Walking in heels is a second nature to me. In truth, I would rather be in pumps than flats any day of the week. For those of you with higher arches in your feet, like myself, it is often more comfortable to spend a day in heels of any kind rather than flats. With the recent advancements in Dr. Scholl's, it costs under $15 for a gel insert made for a stiletto, giving you any extra support you may desire. This makes sure that on a long day, you will be comfortable.

There are shoes that I own that are incredibly uncomfortable, in an ironic twist none of these are heels. I have been called out be peers for my choice in footwear many times in the past. Most often this occurs during bus rides into New York City, New York. The first time I went to NYC I wore flats on the recommendation of some classmates. Upon arriving in the city I took several observations. The first was that New Yorkers in Mid-Town had fabulous coats. The second and much more pertinent was that all the native New Yorkers I encountered were wearing heeled boots and after a day in the city, I understood why. My flats had failed me. Not only were my feet soaked from the rain, but they were black from the streets and just gross.

The next year, I dressed much wiser. Going to my favorite fall back, my heeled cowboy boots, paired them with the Dr. Scholl's gel footbeds my feet were dry and comfortable all day. Not to mention that my pseudo-hipster look blended in so well with the spirit of Greenwich Village that I was mistaken for a native. A compliment of the highest form.

When traveling I always suggest to attempt to blend into the society you are visiting (more on the travel uniform later).The biggest lesson I've learned from this is to wear the shoes you feel comfortable in. While there are those people who, for some unknown reason, were not given the gift of being able to walk in heels, those who can need to embrace it.

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